CAIP2019 Awards
The Award Committee, including Pasquale Foggia, Xiaoyi Jiang, Pedro Real Jurado, Walter Kropatsch, Nicolai Petkov, attributed two CAIP 2019 awards:
Best Paper Award, offered by Springer, to the paper "How does Connected Components Labeling with Decision Trees perform on GPUs?", by Stefano Allegretti, Federico Bolelli, Michele Cancilla, Federico Pollastri, Laura Canalini, and Costantino Grana

Best Young Paper Award, offered by CVPL, to the paper "Reliability of results and fairness in the comparison of rates among 3D facial expression recognition works", by Gilderlane Ribeiro Alexandre, George André Pereira Thé and José Marques Soares

Promising Future Researcher Award
The General Chairs of CAIP 2019 decided to assign the Promising Future Researcher Award to Samuel Yu, Heon Lee and John Kim from China, which are high school students and authors of the paper “LYTNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Pedestrian Traffic Lights and Zebra Crossing Recognition for the Visually Impaired”.